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Intelletive Consulting Makes Kubernetes Security Platform

{fullname} {fullname} | 9-02-2023, 01:05 | ---

MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 08, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Kubernetes Security Platform M9sweeper has open sourced its product in order to make it more accessible to organizations all over the world. In the past eight years, Kubernetes has become the dominant way that new software is being deployed in major enterprises. As with any new technology, this presents new challenges for organizations' security teams.

Many free, open source security tools exist, but most organizations lack the expertise to implement and manage these tools. M9sweeper provides a turnkey, end-to-end solution that walks an organization through installing best-in-class Kubernetes security tools. It then provides reports, visualizations, summaries, and step-by-step guides to make implementing a Kubernetes security strategy accessible for most organizations. 

This comes at the heels of an Orca Security Report which found thousands of vulnerabilities on organizations' systems. Seventy-eight percent were due to common vulnerabilities and exposures that were easy to scan and exploit. Using the suite of tools that comes with M9sweeper, organizations can scan and patch vulnerabilities in their environments. Read more at #" m9sweeper m9sweeper

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